It's been a few months since my last post, so I thought I should catch up my blog with what has been happening here at Charmed Confections, and with me in general. So far, this year has been a "year of change". Lots of changes in my life and I am trying to deal with them as they come. It is not always easy to do. I am a creature of habit. So, when my apple cart has been upended, I find myself regrouping, re-evaluating and searching for a new direction. When this does get the best of me, I am glad that my art keeps me somewhat sane.
Here is the latest piece of art off my worktable. It was made for a very sweet customer of mine that I met years ago at a local craft show. She has always wanted a one of my cats. I have to nervously laugh, as I am still somewhat shocked people love my art and want in it their collection. Don't think I will ever get over that. I was thrilled to meet up with her and hand deliver this piece.
When they say the gift is in the giving, it really is true. Her face lit up upon seeing it and it warmed my heart that she was so happy. As with any customer purchasing something from me, I want them to be truly happy with their purchase. Making money is hard! No matter what you do. If my customers are going to spend it on something from me, I want them to love it for years. That is probably why it takes me a bit to get anything done. :) She was delighted and I was relieved and honored that she wanted to add another piece to her collection.
Here are the pics!
I will be making new ornaments like this skellie mouse pictured, along with bats and cats! These are in the works and I am excited about them! Would be darling hanging from a Halloween tree!
Such a fun piece to create! I love the spider and the mouse hanging from the cat's tail! Hope you do too!
Lately, I have been immersing myself in art. Art really does soothe the soul and takes your mind off your woes. I am sure I will find my feet in this new endeavor and excited to do so!
Exciting News!!! I will be at Halloween and Vine again this year!! So thrilled to be going to Petaluma once again to show off my Halloween art. Go to for the details.
Now, that I have more time, I am eager to add more shows to my calendar and meet new customers and collectors who share in my love of all things Halloween!
I'm also, happy to say that my sweet coffin doll, Sophie (see her in the post below this one) will be featured in the August issue of Art Doll Quarterly Magazine!!! Yup, she will be featured along with an article on the process of her creation. So thrilled about that! You can find Art Doll Quarterly Magazine at Barnes and Noble bookstores, Michaels, Joanns or you can order one directly from
So, lots of changes going on. I am confident that they are good ones. I am going to follow my dream and see how far I get! I just need to learn to relax and be confident this is where the Lord wants me. One foot in front of the other, right?
Hope you are well and happy in your world. Sending out BIG hugs to you all!!